>Opens up flight sim
>Goes into a trance
>Proceeds to say he is the smartest programmer to have ever lived

What a legend

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25 метрів . Glock 17 . Є ще порох в порохівницях.
Good cafe in Prague? Any suggestions?
I got tired of non-English messages in the comments. So, if you don't like something, fix it.

Voila @inglish_only_buraku_bot

Have you created any bots for Telegram, Discord, etc? Feel free to share them in the comments (and test my bot, lol).
Oops, I almost missed #monran post. Putting changelog in README.

Damn, that's completely useless and wrong thing. I don't care that v0.69.420 contains 37 bug fixes and updates node_modules.

I want to see what this project DOES, how to RUN it, where to ASK for help and maybe SPONSOR. Lovely one: check the LICENSE.

So, please, don't put the whole project changelog in README, just KISS.
2024/05/08 10:41:38
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