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orang yang kau nampak sentiasa ceria boleh senyum macam biasa adalah orang yang paling hancur sehancur hancurnya . percayalah .
kau kata penat bila asyik jelaskan kesalahan aku ? sedar tak aku pun penat asyik perbaiki diri aku dalam keadaan kau memberikan tekanan .
jangan bercakap kalau tak ada benda baik yang akan keluar daripada mulut kau . kau tak tahu seberapa gigih dia bertahan untuk meneruskan hidup .
sikap buruk manusia lain kau nampak tetapi sikap buruk kau , kau diam . kau diam dan dalam masa yang sama kau merendahkan orang di sekeliling kau .
hidup memang tentang perjuangan . tapi , hidup mengajar kita untuk yakin dengan diri dalam setiap proses yang akan berterusan .
sebesar apapun rasa kecewamu , jangan sampai putus harapan . hidup perlukan tujuan . tanpa harapan , hilang makna kehidupan .
ingatlah kawan , sebagus apapun pendengar setiamu , tempat terbaik untuk mengadu hanyalah Dia .
buat batch 06 , goodluck semuanya . kita dah usaha , doa dan tawakal , apa apa pun results yang kita dapat , kita dah buat yang terbaik . before check results jangan lupa baca doa dulu ya . may Allah ease everything today . inshaAllah results cemerlang yang kita dapat nanti ><
thank you , congratulations and welcome for participating in the game called 'spm' . we would like to congratulate you for surviving in this game for 5 years and you are still breathing right now . the test was over , and welcome to adulthood my loves , please be prepared into entering the new era . and now you're on your own now
you missed what you missed . not because you had bad luck but because Allah's wisdom is greater than your comprehension .
go easy on yourself . whatever you've done today , tell yourself that itโ€™s enough . donโ€™t worry too much about tomorrow & let go of yesterday . let todayโ€™s loads end today . you did well and you deserve to be happy .
stress can affect more than just our physical health . mentally , it causes us to crumble . we will lose hope , faith , trust & peace . our inner peace can only be achieved by remembering the Allah ; by asking for His help & forgiveness and not just in times of difficulty .
we will benefit more from keeping it real with ourselves . lying to yourself about your situation in order to preserve your ego can actually cost you years of your life .
may Allah remove all your trials and tribulations , your burdens and your sadness , and your anxiety and your worries .
selamat tinggal may ,

semoga kita berjumpa di tahun hadapan , terima kasih untuk segala kenangan yang sudah tercipta terima kasih untuk segalanya , walaupun aku lebih banyak menderita daripada bahagia .
donโ€™t ever mock or look down on someone whoโ€™s trying to change for the better . bare in our mind that not everyone is on the same level of piety . othersโ€™ baby steps might be so beloved by Allah and that it could be their ticket to heaven . itโ€™s the best for us to focus on ourselves and not what others are doing .
our harshest critic always comes from ourselves โ€“ specifically from our own mind . instead of following the โ€˜thoughtsโ€™ , we can just ignore it but donโ€™t ignore them totally . try to not give them more attention than they deserve . be gentle to yourself . youโ€™re doing the best you can .
donโ€™t ever underestimate the power of prayer . donโ€™t ask Allah for help only as a last resort โ€” the last option . He does expect us to make an effort to solve our problems , but He also wants us to call out to Him . Heโ€™s always there for us and He loves those who reach out constantly . so please keep calling out to Him and don't give up !
this road may not have
led you to where you want to be ,
but it will definitely lead you to
where youโ€™re supposed to be .
2024/06/01 02:17:16
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