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I swore to never give up
To tag along the lines of hope and strength
Unfortunately, every muscle of strength got drawn-out
And left me barely clinging to the strands of life
My weight kept drowning me
Suppressing how it felt
Bc it wrecked my soul
Crashed every fibre of my being
No arm for support
I wish they saw I wasn't okay
They usually said I was reserved
Truth is, no one bothered to listen when I talked
Occupied the spaces with their flamboyant selves
Made conversations about em
Pretended not to see my cracked-hurting smiles
I bet they never cared enough to find out
Belittled and made fun of me
Bc the aura I carried was different
These muscles aren't strong
I break, I hurt and die every single day
But I swore not to give up
I wish I did
Bc no one will ever genuinely come through for me
I've got me so
"I swore, to never give up"
When people pretends to be caring but the truth is they are just nosy, I get really irritated & annoyed real fast πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ™„

as if I don't know, they're just being nosy af πŸ™„

#thoughts @quietworldπŸƒ
Why do people keep asking me why am I thin when I am always this thin. I'm not even unhealthily thin but I'm in my ideal weight, but why did people act surprised to see that I'm this thin & their expressions seems to imply that there's something wrong with my weight? πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I never ask people why are they fat, thin, etc. Why should anyone ask that kind of question? Lol.

When different people keep asking me the same question lmao πŸ™„πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ. Tired of hearing & having to answer such stupid question.

Tidak belajar sains ka? Makan sikit jadi kurus. Makan sederhana; berat ideal. Makan banyak, jadi gemuk.

This holiday I just want to do nothing. I'm too tired to socialize, make plans, etc. I may miss my family & want to meet up but I feel tired to even do anything that I like. All I feel like is want to be on my own, unbothered by people, lie down & stare into the abyss.

#thoughts @quietworldπŸƒ
I love being alone but when people keep questioning, it does makes me feel lonely but at the same time I don't want to simply have anyone by my side just for the sake of having company.

Probably because I have been traumatised of betrayal from someone close. Now it is hard for me to trust people. It was indeed difficult for me to trust people & now it has get more difficult. Ahh didn't really realize the toll of all 'those situations' had on me until right now.

#thoughts #randomrants
When people ask me any questions about where I live etc, I always feel like they're busy body 🀣 Asking me what & where I usually go to eat etc during my free time.. Ughh.. When you have lots of colleagues but there are only people who are busy body; concerned but not that much care, and people who do not care at all.

Better not care at all than being nosy πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Quiet World 🍁 pinned Β«Jarang-jarang aku nasihatkan orang yang menghadapi "toxic workplace" untuk berpindah. Ia cuma nasihat yang sesuai sekiranya segala ikhtiar lain sudah habis diusahakan atau dalam kata lain, "as last resort". Kenapa? Satu, tiada jaminan pun tempat baru tu…»
The heaviness in my chest 😫
Maybe πŸƒ
It's better to just mind my own business & stop being a listener because even though I don't ask people about their business, but when they keep on talking & complaining to me, their negative vibe can get into me. Then, I'm the one who burst out & get ugly πŸ₯΄

I wish I remember this sooner.
Nevermind, what's done is done. Keep chin up, stay strong & move forward. They'll shut up eventually.

#thoughts @quietworldπŸƒ
Focusing on my own shit is a bliss ☺️✨

#thoughts @quietworldπŸƒ
Lebih baik makin tua makin bongkok daripada makin tua makin bongkak. πŸ˜†

#thoughts @quietworldπŸƒ
Believe in yourself.
Focus on your dream.
Be humble and kind.
Let others be themselves and you be you.


#thoughts #advice
Spread mental health awareness.. Spread it spread it.. But do you actually listen when people talk? When people vent out?
When everyday is work, rest & me time. Going back from work with no one to talk to.
When the only people that you trust, don't have time for you.
No one to vent out the big things or even just the little things. Every problems you have are just so little to everyone. Not much that I asked for, but everyone need that sense of belonging, knowing that there are people who still want to know about hows your day going on, etc. But none. People may only want to care when you're dying or dead.
Pulled a card for messages regarding yesterday & I got the card β€œStop fuvking whining.” πŸ˜‚

β€œNo one wants to listen to that shit. Complaining makes you weak. You have the strength to change your world; so do it.”

Thank you for the message, Spirit Guides ☺️ Imma pick myself back as usual. I may not always have people to be there for me whenever I'm down but I always can count on my angels & Spirit Guides.
I have an army of my spiritual team around me that always have my back. We all do.
Isn't that the best thing ever?

They can do what humans can't do.

#thoughts #meditation #tarot #oracle @quietworldπŸƒ
You may feel down, anxiety may attack you multiple times sometimes out of nowhere. Overthinking may come & try to get you.

Go & sit in meditation, just let it flow through you, & pick yourself up.

Yes, sometimes you gotta pick yourself up. If you seek to be understood, it is more likely that people can't see through your lens. But why bother, you don't need validation from others on how you feel.

If you vent to the wrong person, you may end up in worser condition than before you vent it at the first place. You don't need to vent out to everyone you know, you don't need to vent out to all your close friends & family members. If you need to, choose only one.

Talk to your angels. Call upon your higher self. They got your back.

note: just an advice to myself in my situation.

#thoughts #selftalk @quietworldπŸƒ
2024/06/01 04:36:03
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