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Anakin was one of the only non virgin Jedi yet he had the most virgin energy among the Jedi.
Unlike info in math, science, or history, people don't complain that learning how to dribble a basket ball in gym is useless in life.
B and b face the same way, but D and d don't.
The only difference between an incell and a hopeless romantic is the mentality

In the sense that they both can't get into relationships but deal with it in completely different ways
A majority of people will spend thousands of hours on a highway, but never step on it
It’s going to suck to be a historian in a couple hundred years

With a lot of older history the problem arises from not having enough recorded to truly understand the culture but in the modern day it becomes almost more difficult. With how overabundant the amount of essentially useless information is you could search for years through billions of century year old posts online and still barely find anything useful. I really wonder how historians in the future will handle having so much information to display various cultures and people to the point it’s barely traversable
In zombie shows zombies rot so quickly and turn green but stop rotting at a certain point and never turn to bones.
The amount of people older than you never increases
Babies make the same noises in every country

A baby born in Bulgaria and a baby born in Cuba won't sound any different despite the fact that Bulgarian and Spanish are two different languages. At the same time, it is equally easy for both babies to acquire their native language(and later learn the Cyrillic alphabet for Bulgaria, or the Latin one for Cuba).
Considering how easy and random it is to die, it's pretty amazing that so many people still make it to old age
Neo never had a choice which pill he takes
People like listening to rap where the rapper describes doing disgusting stuff but when the rapper is caught for doing the same disgusting stuff in reality, they're outraged.
Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability
Dentist make money on bad teeth so you shouldn't buy toothpaste they recommend
Kim Jong Un is far more famous than Xi Jinping despite being the leader of much less important country
You almost never have to buy shoelaces anymore because shoes don't last that long.

I mean, if you can afford high-end shoes that can be...cobbled or whatever, more power to you. I don't think that's most people's experience though.
Our bodies at 37 degrees feel normal to us but anything else that is 37 degrees feels hot to us
Gold and silver are technically heavy metals but people put it on their food in sheets anyways.

Like if lead and cadmium are heavy metals that people avoid, shouldn't they avoid gold and silver also?
It is a choice to be a parent. But it is not a choice to be a child.
A broken clock is wrong all day if it’s broken badly enough
2024/06/16 01:05:23
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