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I think my iPhone X is going to die (is this normal)
can’t download root hide patcher
iPhone 4 on iOS 6 stuck in DFU
iPhone reboots while in DFU or Ramdisk


I am trying to restore my phones to older iOS versions with Semaphorin, but for some reason I can’t get it to work. The iPhones reboots while the script is still running, sometimes even before the ramdisk is dumped, sometimes while the SSH is running.

I am currently using a 2014 MacBook Air with Catalina, I even installed java manually. I am using a Lightning-USB A cable connected directly to the MacBook.

I have tried to restore several phones: iPhone SE 15.8.2->10.3.3 and 12.1.2
iPhone SE 13.1.3->10.3.3 and 12.1.2
iPhone 5S 12.5.7 ->7.0.4

The problem seems to be the same in all cases, the phone reboots when it is not supposed to do, and the scritp terminates with error code 15.

I have 3 more Macbooks on different versions of Mac OS, M1, M2 and i9, I tried dongles but that didn’t solve the problem.

What could be the culprit? Thanks in advance
[Help] Got this error on Youtube just today. I have Youtube X installed on Dopamine rootless
Keeping trollstore CopyLog running

Hello, I have purchased trollstore CopyLog since it’s release. Feature wise it is perfect but the issue is it auto closing due to its nature of being an app. It kinda defeats it being a clipboard if stuff I copied isn’t always logged. I already tried backgrounder15autostate for CopyLog and some other apps, which I confirm they can run in background but I’m not sure how long, and CopyLog service did got killed after a period of time. Is there a way to keep trollstore CopyLog running forever? Or did the developer ever allowed to swap trollstore version with tweak version? (It said tweak owners could get trollstore version for 50% off but no opposite, and even there was I wouldn’t want to pay for the same tweak twice) there is also the CopyLog fix tweak that came out recently so I assume the CopyLog tweak would work on 16
tweak keyboard for ios 15.8

Hi everybody ! I'm using an iPhone 6s jailbroken with dopamine.

I need a keyboard tweak that can quickly access emo, @, numbers..

I have searched and tried but there is no suitable tweak. Does anyone know any tweaks?
Fixing tweak not appearing in choicy

For people who want to disable a tweak for specific places in choicy but tweak not showing up (such as a-font for springboard), in filza, go to var/jb/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/YourTweakName.plist, open the bundle array section, click the i button on the right and add an item with the bundle id of your app (such as and save. Now the tweak will appear in that app/service in choicy and you can configure it!
iPhone 12 mini stuck in dfu and i can’t turn off
Request The Tweak that Excludes Music from a Respring

I remember seeing a tweak that doesn’t close the Music app when you respring, but I can’t find it anymore. Does anyone know what this tweak was called and where I can find it? The tweak allowed Music to keep playing through a respiring.
[question] what this tweak is doing ?
Completely turn off wifi

I have an ipad and I want to permanently turn off the wifi on it, meaning even if you go to setting that won't turn it back on. Is their a way to do this?
Guys what is Kopen?

Friends, I was just wondering, but what do kfd and mdc mean? And what does Kopen/Kclose mean?
Is there a tweak to disable app switcher gesture in landscape?
Force 60fps on games like NFS Most Wanted,

Hello, I just found a tweak that allowed to force 60fps on games, it works with NFS Most Wanted, I have not tested other apps.

This tweak runs games limited to 30fps at 60fps

The tweak is called Unity60fps, you can download it here:

For rootless jailbreaks, it works for me with Derootifier (I tried several times to download it with Sileo and it worked).

Hope this helps ☺️
What is actual manual for jailbreak the iPhone 8 ios 16.7.2 +Mac M1

I've tried whole inet 😁 And eveytime it ends here ... Help please, guys 🙏
I want to update to ios 17.3.1

I want to update to version 17.3.1. Will there be a Jailbreak and Trollstore available in the future? What about 17.4? They say there will be no Trollstore. Why?
New Dopamine 2.1.1 Update

When I updated my iPhone 14 Pro Max on iOS 16.4.1 to the newest Dopamine update, I noticed that my battery was draining a bit faster. Nothing crazy. But when the phone was just sitting at idle, it drained 12% overnight. Prior to the update, when I had version 2.0.9; the battery would hardly drain especially at idle. Has anyone noticed anything like that?

Now, don’t get me wrong. Dopamine has been one of the best, stable and completely reliable jailbreak I have ever used. It’s an absolute awesome experience. And I’ve been jailbreaking since the first Pangu iOS 7 JB. I believe the update was geared towards supporting A8X devices and some bug fixes. So as a result I reinstalled version 2.0.9 and it’s back to the original battery usage I had prior.

All I’m saying that if you aren’t experiencing any battery problems w/2.1.1, then absolutely stay on that version. I just think every device acts differently so I’m good with version 2.0.9. GOOD LUCK MY FELLOW JAIL BREAKERS!! 😎👍🏻
Introducing CanisterBot, a new bot to help with tweak searching!

We're currently testing a new bot that can help you search tweaks and themes within the subreddit.


Some of you may remember ARX8X's u/rJailbreakBot, and noticed is been down for almost a year. Today we are announcing that we are testing it's replacement: u/CanisterBot.

This is a bot made by u/stkc-win and powered by [Canister's API](, this bot should be better at searching up to date packages from reliable sources. It's also open source, and you can check its source code [here](

# Basic usage

**Tweak search:**

* Comment \[\[tweak name\]\].



* Using !package \[name\] or !tweak \[name\].


!package snowboard | !tweak snowboard

**Repository search:**

!repo \[slug\]

!repo chariz

**Jailbreak search:**

* !jailbreak or !jb \[name\]


!jailbreak dopamine | !jb taurine

We appreciate letting us know possible bugs.


PD: We know the account is suspended, the bot will still reply to you. Once testing is complete, we will migrate the bot to a different account.
Sideloading on iPod

I’ve got a very old iPod with the curved metal back running 9.3.5 I think and I was wondering what “trollstore alternatives” there are for older devices
2024/06/01 07:31:02
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