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Jailbreak or not?

I have my old iPad Air 2 with no mobile data (only Wi-Fi). My brother is using it. So should I jailbreak it? (note:why? ‘cuz it’s so easier compared to 4-5 years ago)
Is the IOS. 16.1 stable ??

Hello friends ,
Is the IOS. 16.1 stable ??
Is it working well and stable way with Dopamine jailbreak ?
APPS, well without any problems with the same ??
tutorial how to run AltStore on (Arch) Linux

ok so as of now there are quite a few AltLinux forks and none of them worked for me out of the box so i'm just posting here how I got it running on my machine, so I can now refresh apps (only works from USB)

I'm on arch linux

the original AltLinux provides an AUR package, which 404s because it doesn't seem to exists anymore. But there also is altlinux-git, which is what i'm rocking it now.

Tho again, this package doesn't even build because it uses pyinstaller, and Arch linux a while ago moved all pip packages to the pacman repo (or something like that), basically you don't install python packages with pip anymore if not for a venv (from my understanding).

Anyways, install pyinstaller and then

git clone `` && cd altlinux-git

now we need to edit the PKGBUILD file, edit the prepare() method, and replace pip install pyinstaller with something like echo helloworld

and then finally makepkg -si

now you've got altserver installed but it won't work yet, you need the new anisette server

like this github comment suggests, download anisette (if unsure, download the x86-64), make it executable with chmod +x anisette* and run it with ./anisette* -n `` -p 6969

we can finally run AltLinux, cd /usr/lib/altlinux && ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER= /usr/lib/altlinux/altlinux

I know this is not the best explanation, so if you don't understand something leave a comment, i'm kind of tired as of writing this, but i'm pretty sure that if you've been a linux user for a while you can get this running on your own. Best of luck :)

I really hope AltLinux V2 will happen or that at least a working flatpak or something like that will come out

EDIT: you can also edit the .desktop file (/usr/share/applications/altlinux.desktop) on the Exec line like this

Exec=bash -c "<path/to/anisette-server> & env ALTSERVER_ANISETTE_SERVER= /usr/lib/altlinux/altlinux ; killall -r 'anisette'" so you just have to open a terminal, run the anisette server and then AltLinux will "just work"
Lmao im always suspicious whenever companies says “its not exploitable”
[News] Retroarch is now on the App Store
Iphone xr ios 16.6.1 stuck on this screen while install trollinstallerX
[help] Error trying to download choicy
Question I need help regarding apple watch series 7

Thinking of getting the Apple Watch Series 7 as my first smartwatch. Wondering if features like ECG and AFib will work with my iPhone X on iOS 14.6 as these features are not available in my region and I am buying watch from a friend so is there anyway I can test Legizmo Lighthouse before purchasing apple watch
what jailbreak version to use for iphone 6

I just found my old iphone 6 i never did any jailbreak before so 0 experience with jailbreak, the iphone is on 12.5.7 and its 16gb so cant do much, what jailbreak should i use my friend said unc0ver but i read online that checkra1n is better can anyone just explain to me the difference and why choose one over another
is it possible to install uYou on a non jb iphone?

is it possible to install uYou on a non jb iphone?
Seeking Advice on Potential Phone Malware and Remote Access Concerns

Hello Reddit,
I’m reaching out for some guidance regarding a situation I find myself in, which I suspect might involve my phone being compromised. Recently, I’ve noticed several red flags that are causing me concern:
Unusually high battery consumption
Increased data usage
Overheating of the device
Performance issues and frequent crashes
These symptoms alone were enough to raise my suspicions, but there’s more to the story. I have reasons to believe that an individual, let’s call her ‘Jane’, might have gained unauthorized remote access to my phone. ‘Jane’ seems to have obtained personal information that they should not have access to. Moreover, during conversations, ‘Jane’ has inadvertently revealed knowledge of my web search history, which I have never shared.
Given these circumstances, I am seeking advice on how to confirm whether my phone has indeed been infected with malware or similar threats. My goal is not to immediately remove this potential malware; instead, I want to identify and document it as proof of the compromise before taking any remedial action.
If anyone has experience with this kind of issue or can offer insights into detecting and documenting malware, your input would be invaluable. Thank you in advance for your help.
[Question] Is there a way to hide update notifications?
snowboard not working, using palera1n fakefs w/ ellekit as substrate

jailbroke an iphone 8 plus with palera1n, using ellekit as the tweak injector, snowboard causes my phone to load in safe mode, and after i remove it, it persists in safe mode, forcing me to restart my iphone and rejailbreak, any ideas on how to fix it?
Jail breaking iOS 15.1 Dopamine
2024/06/01 07:23:44
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