TIL of Porfiro Rubirosa, one of the world's biggest playboy, who was romantically involved with the daughter of the dictator of his country, the queen of Iran, and the two richest woman at the time and many other women.

TIL that during Al-Qaeda volleyball matches, Mohammed Atef and Osama Bin Laden had to be on separate teams due to their skill and stature to ensure fair play.

TIL about Saitō Musashibō Benkei, a Japanese warrior reputed to have single-handedly killed over 300 trained soldiers while defending a bridge. His combat prowess in close quarters was so formidable that his enemies had to resort to killing him with a volley of arrows. He died upright.

TIL that despite only 3% of the 2.9 million female high school athletes are cheerleaders, they account for nearly 65% of catastrophic injuries in female high school sports.

TIL Former US first lady Jane Pierce was extremely reluctant to move into the White House. Before her husband Franklin Pierce became president, she prayed every night that he would lose the presidential election. She is said to have fainted upon hearing the news of his nomination.

TIL BBC executives had decided not to air the pilot of the sitcom Are You Being Served but needed filler material to broadcast when the 1972 Summer Olympics were interrupted by the Munich Massacre. The show went on to run for 10 seasons and spawned a movie and a 2 season spinoff series

2024/06/11 13:23:02
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