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🇩🇪 Der Vortrag mit Dr. h.c. Andreas Kalcker in Nürnberg ist AUSGEBUCHT

In Deutschland gibt es noch freie Plätze für den Vortrag in Magdeburg, Herford und Köln, sowie beim Tagesseminar in Nürnberg, Magdeburg und Köln. Alle anderen Veranstaltungen sind ausgebucht Informationen zu den verbleibenden Veranstaltungen in 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇨🇭finden Sie unter ALK Foundation

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Forwarded from 🇪🇦CANAL KALCKER INSTITUTE 🇪🇦 (Kalcker Institute)
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Forwarded from ALK Foundation - Tour 2024 🌺
🇩🇪 Der Vortrag mit Dr. h.c. Andreas Kalcker in Magdeburg ist AUSGEBUCHT

In Deutschland gibt es noch wenige freie Plätze für den Vortrag in Herford und Köln, sowie beim Tagesseminar in Nürnberg, Magdeburg und Köln. Alle anderen Veranstaltungen sind ausgebucht Informationen zu den verbleibenden Veranstaltungen in 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇨🇭finden Sie unter ALK Foundation

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Forwarded from ALK Foundation - Tour 2024 🌺
🇦🇹 Dr. h. c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker demnächst in Wien bei der IGGMED

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Forwarded from Amaresbio (Bienve Morales)
Hacía un Nuevo Paradigma de la Salud

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Súmate a un gran evento que marcará un antes y un después en la historia de los beneficios del agua de mar

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¡Muchas gracias por tu apoyo! 🙏
Hola les saludo desde Uruguay y en primer lugar quiero agradecer a Andreas por compartir su conocimiento para el beneficio de todos. Después solo comentarles que en nuestro hogar todos consumímos dioxido cotidianamente ya no por una patología en especial sino como preventivo y fortalecidos de nuestro organismo. Entendemos que es importante a la hora de defendernos de la contaminación que recibimos constantemente en los alimentos, agua, medicación, aire, etc.
Muchas gracias. Good Morning Email: [email protected] 29.05.2024 12:05
I would like to highlight some of the cases that have been cured by CDS:

A young man who was diagnosed with a brain tumour (did not receive COVID vaccine). He received radiotherapy but refused chemotherapy. Radiotherapy resulted in a 20% reduction in the size of the tumour, but his condition did not improve.
The patient then started to take 30 ml of CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) orally daily. After five to six months, he was essentially asymptomatic. His physical strength and stability were restored.
A further examination revealed that the tumour had further reduced in size. A year has passed since then and the patient is now completely healthy.

A middle-aged female patient diagnosed with lung cancer after two Pfizer vaccinations. The tumour was surgically removed and the patient received chemotherapy. Shortly afterwards, she experienced symptoms again and a new CT scan revealed another 3-5 cm tumour in her lung. A month later, he was given an appointment for a PET-CT scan.
The patient then started to consume 30 ml of CDS (chlorine dioxide solution) per day. After about two weeks, the coughing and pain stopped. After one month, the PET-CT scan showed no lesions in his lungs.
The patient is still asymptomatic after one year and has been consuming CDS in small maintenance amounts.

A 67-year-old female patient who has been a smoker for 50 years was diagnosed with small cell lung carcinoma in November 2023. At the time of diagnosis, there was almost no intact area on her entire lung lobe. Since 23 December 2023, the patient has been consuming CDS (chlorine dioxide solution), 25 ml dissolved in 1 litre of water per day. At the time of diagnosis his results were very poor and the disease was in stage 3. According to the oncologist, this tumor is one of the most aggressive types and is growing rapidly.
The patient received chemotherapy treatment prescribed by his oncologist. The treatment was given in 6 cycles, each cycle 3 times, every 3 weeks, for a total of 18 chemotherapy treatments. During the chemotherapy, the patient consumed CDS continuously, which was increased to 40 ml per day in the period of chemotherapy and in the following week, fearing that the chemotherapy might reduce the effect of CDS.
The patient consumed the CDS for 5 months. On 17 May 2024, his oncologist telephoned to inform him that the 20 further radiotherapy treatments prescribed did not need to be started as the tumor had completely disappeared from his lungs.

Regards, B [email protected] 29.05.2024 09:04
2024/06/01 01:17:29
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