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White Phosphorus:

⚜️Used in military operations, creating smoke screens and incendiary devices.
⚜️Environmental dangers associated with its use.
⚜️Concerns over causing severe burns and suffering.
⚜️Restrictions under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW).Not covered by the
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) when used as an incendiary weapon, not for chemical warfare. White phosphorus, although a chemical agent and toxic, is not covered by the CWC

➡️Incendiary Weapons:

🅾️Protocol III under CCW defines incendiary weapons.
🅾️White phosphorus munitions are primarily for illuminating and smokescreen effects.
🅾️Not effectively regulated by Protocol III.


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GS3- Science and Technology- Significance of FRB

🅾️Also read Gamma Ray Burst?-
Click here

🅾️Fast Radio Burst - Click here


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GS-2: social issues- Health

🎖National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) is being implemented under the
National Health Mission (NHM).

CAR-T cell therapy

Also read :

🅾️Status of cancer incidence in India and the government Initiatives-
click here

📍Some important news issues wrt cancer

Click here

🅾️ Biotechnology- PACs for cancer treatment - Click here

⚜️In 2017- Yescarta therapy was in news- Understanding it can be helpful in solving Biotechnology questions in prelims-
click here

🅾️Cancer Gene map- Click here

🔰Science and Tech news :

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How does a battery work?

➡️I shall use a small story to explain the basic funda of battery- I hope it helps- Consider a battery as a tiffin box packed with energy treats (electricity) for your gadgets. Inside this tiffin box, there are two different types of snacks (electrodes) - let's say 'aloo' (potato- cathode) for one and 'chana' (chickpeas- anode) for the other. These are not just any snacks, but they're like energy-packed foods that our body (the device) can use to keep active.

The 'special chutney' (electrolyte) in the tiffin keeps these snacks ready to release their energy. When you open the tiffin box (connect the battery to a device like a mobile phone), the 'aloo' and 'chana' mix with the 'chutney' and start a small reaction - think of it like when you eat spicy food and your body starts to feel energetic. This mix releases the energy that then flows into your phone to power it up and keep it going.

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Gs-3 : Science and technology- Space communication

📍Context : Psyche Spacecraft Experiment: NASA's spacecraft successfully tested a laser signal to Earth over 16 million km.

➡️Now Use this article as a chance to understand the basics of Electromagnetic spectrum- underlined in Red-
Click here

➡️Data Transmission in Space:
⚜️Current Method: Mostly via radio waves with longer wavelengths and lower frequencies.
⚜️Challenge: Radio waves are susceptible to interference and offer limited data bandwidth.

⚠️Significance : Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC)-Uses near-infrared laser signals for higher bandwidth communication.
🅾️Advantage: At least 10 times more data transfer than current radio systems; less interference.

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Gs-3 : Science and technology- Space communication

📍Context : Psyche Spacecraft Experiment: NASA's spacecraft successfully tested a laser signal to Earth over 16 million km.

➡️Now Use this article as a chance to understand the basics of Electromagnetic spectrum- underlined in Red-
Click here

➡️Data Transmission in Space:
⚜️Current Method: Mostly via radio waves with longer wavelengths and lower frequencies.
⚜️Challenge: Radio waves are susceptible to interference and offer limited data bandwidth.

⚠️Significance : Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC)-Uses near-infrared laser signals for higher bandwidth communication.
🅾️Advantage: At least 10 times more data transfer than current radio systems; less interference.

@hinduhighlights for News analysis
@upschighlights - Relevant hashtags for Prelims- Click here

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Gs-2 : Health- Blood disorders- sickle cell anaemia

🅾️Context : CRISPR-Cas9 Therapy for Sickle Cell & Thalassemia

🅾️Global Prevalence

⚜️Sickle cell disease range: 90 to 1,342 per 100,000.
⚜️High burden in African and Indian populations.Parental gene combinations determine child's risk-25% chance child with two carrier parents will have the disease.

🅾️Read about the Blood disorders :
Click here

@hinduhighlights for News analysis
@upschighlights - Relevant hashtags for Prelims- Click here

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The prelims season is coming.

What skills are needed to clear the prelims exam ?

🔥A video to decode prelims exam into a step-by-step actionable agenda is coming up tomorrow. This will also explain how VK IAS's upcoming prelims mentorship program will address the needs of student( Not just a test series with 1000s of questions 🙂)

Even if you don't decide to take the mentorship program ( with CA classes and Test series) - feel free to use this video to plan your prelims preparation and reduce uncertainty

⭐️ Along with this - High yielding IE Explained series of videos are also planned for YouTube. Good luck 🙂

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A lot of research went into understanding the actual problem for prelims - Irrespective of where and how you are preparing for this exam- this is relevant for all UPSC Aspirants. Please do watch this- without fail and also without getting distracted. I request you not to  watch it casually - Take time to let it sink and contemplate so that you can understand your problems before taking a decision .

- Yours VK.

Registration link for prelims mentorship program -

Extra Neutral Alcohol

🅾️Primary ingredient for alcoholic beverages (whiskey, vodka, etc.)

🅾️It is derived from different sources — sugarcane molasses and grains — and is used in the production of alcoholic beverages such as whisky, vodka, gin, cane, liqueurs, and alcoholic fruit beverages.

🅾️Colorless, food-grade alcohol with neutral taste and smell=Also used in cosmetics, personal care products, and some industrial applications.

🅾️ENA is a byproduct of sugarcane processing, similar to ethanol- Issue is Diversion of ethanol (a byproduct of the sugar industry, like ENA) to biofuel blending.

Think of it like this:

⚜️Sugarcane Molasses: The raw material.
⚜️Ethanol: The first level of refinement-95%
⚜️ENA: Ethanol further refined to a higher purity to meet specific requirements-96%pure and above.

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#Environment #SnT

Humans spread virus to animals

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Semiconductors manufacturing Technology

🅾️What is a semiconductor chip? How is it manufactured?

⚜️A semiconductor has properties between a conductor (which conducts electricity) and an insulator (which does not). In its purest form a semiconductor is a very weak conductor of electricity.

⚜️However, its electrical properties can be changed by adding small amounts of certain substances called ‘dopants’. By taking a pure semiconductor and carefully injecting certain parts with specific dopants, complex circuits can be ‘printed’ on the semiconductor.

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What is Goldene?

🅾️ It is a single-atom-thick sheet of gold, making it the world's thinnest gold leaf.

👉🏻Read about graphene here-
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🅾️Scientists have been trying to make 2D sheets of metals like this for a long time

🅾️Sensing different chemicals and substances-Catalysis - speeding up chemical reactions (like splitting water for clean energy).

⚠️Why is it significant?- Gold at this thinness has completely new properties, unlike the gold we usually think of.Bulk gold is 3D, with atoms arranged in all directions. Goldene is 2D, where atoms are confined to a single flat sheet. This fundamental difference in structure can dramatically alter its electrical, optical, and chemical behavior-can lead to new electronic properties, potentially making goldene more efficient at conducting electricity or interacting with light in specific ways.

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Ethylene Oxide

🅾️Ethylene oxide- Pollutant

⚜️Pollutants are one major theme

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Dimethyl Ether fuelled tractors

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2024/06/14 18:38:08
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