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n nagaakee fi gammachuukee isa bara baraa ajjeesaa ajjeesuu dhiisi. Nagaankee ajjeesaa abbaa keetii isa eeggataa du'aa sanaaf dhiifama gochuukee keessa jira!' Waaqayyo immoo kana gochuu akka dandeessuuf si gargaara. Anis siifan kadhadha...!

Innis kolfaa ka'ee erga natti marmeen booda, "Dhugaadha ajjeesaa du'a eeggatu kana ajjeesee harkakoo hin balleessu. Akkan nama kanaaf dhiifama godhee fi deebi'ee hamaa itti yaaduu hin qabne waadaa siif seeneera. Sichin nagaa argadha osoo hin taane anoo amma iyyuu nagaa ta'ee keessikoo na boqoteera" naan jedhe. Ufff guddaan gammade dhugaa. Seenaa kanas eeyyama isaatiinan isiniif qoode. Har'aa guddaa gammadeen jira. Dheerachuu isaatiif dhiifama. #Warra_Kaaniif_Share_yoo_gootan_baayyeen_jaalladha!

Amajji 23/2021
#Waadaa_Bultii_Caalii ti

(Seenaan kun seenaa dhugaa, asuma gola Oromiyaatti, as dhiyoo kana raawwatedha. )

Namicha abbaa qabeenyaa tokkotu ture. Qabeenya looniifi lafaan akka naannoo jiraatuutti namni isa dursu hin jiru. Ilmaan isaa keessaa tokko barumsa baay'ee jaalata. Garuu abbaan isaa barumsa isaaf hin jaalanne. Osoo abbaan isaa akka inni barnoota dhiisuuf isa dhiibuutii, kutaa 12ffaa xumure. Ta'us, qabxii darbinsaa hin arganne. Kun mucaaf gadda, abbichaaf immoo gammachuu ture.  "Yaa ilma koo! Qabeenyi ani amma qabu kun eenyuuniyyuu ni gaha. Kunoo akka atuu argitu, qabeenya loonii dhibba lamaa ol qabaachuu koo irraa kan ka'e, garaacha loonii si'a lama uffadheen jira. Atis barumsa dhiiftee yoo namatti deebitee fuute, waanuma kanatu si eeggata. Ni koorta, akka barbaadetti ergatta. Barumsis siif ta'uu dideeraatii, kanaaf itti fuftee yaaluurra yerooon biraa gali! Garuu kana na dhagahuu diddee gara mana barumsaatti yoo deebite, anaafi ati hariiroo abbummaafii ilmummaa wal biraa hin qabnu. Nagaatti!" Jechuun abbaan isaa baay'ee itti dheekkama ture. Kana hundumaa mucaan hin fudhanne. Jaarsii abdii kutannaa malee, hiriyyoota mucaa sanaa jaarsummaa itti waamuun akka inni barnootatti nagaa dhaamu gochuuf haala mijeessuu itti fufe.
Mucaan gara dhumaatti, "Ilaa yaa abbaa koo, sinis dhagahaa hiriyyoonni koo! Ani osoo maal ta'eeyyuu barnoota koo dhiisee gara manaatti hin deebi'u. Akkuma sinuu jettan, hundi keenyas argaa jirru, loon abbaa koo dallaa guutuudha. Akka barbaadettan uffadha, nyaadha; garuu mul'anni koo isa kana miti. Akkuma abbaan koo hojjetee duurume, anis dhama'een horadha. Qabeenyi fixeensa! Qabeenyi baay'een amma abbaa koo qabu kun, yeroo muraasa keessatti dhabamuu danda'a. Garuu qabeenyi inni sammuu koo keessaa, ogummaan ani barachuu keessaan gonfadhu amansiisaadha. Kanaafuu, du'a qofaatu barumsa koorraa na deebisa" jechuun imala barnoota isaa itti fufe. Kanaan booda, nama gargaaree isa barsiisu hin arganne. Ofii hojii guyyaa hojjetee galgala barnoota isaa itti fufe. Akkanaan barnoota isaa xumuree. Hojiis qabate. Hojii qabachuu qofaa osoo hin taane, iddoo jirutti hojii ija qabu hojjechuun badhaasa garagaraa fudhatee jira. Waggaa muraasaa booda, carraa barnoota biyya alaa argateen biyya Indiitti barnoota isaa digirii lammaffaa xumuree gara biyyaatti deebi'e. Akkuma galeen gara mana abbaasaa deeme. Baay'ee kan nama ajaa'ibu, loon abbaasaa durii hin jirani. Horii keessaa sangoota lamaafi sa'aa tokko qofaatu dallaa keesa dhaabata. Namoonni isaaf ergamaa turan tokko hin jirani. Akkanaan jaarsii manatti galee jira. Dhugaan ilmi isaa isaan jechaa tures, yeroo kana isaaf ifoomuu hin hafu. Akkana dubbichi!

👉Dhugaadha! Kan nama faana laga ce'u, kan yeroo irratti aangoo qabu qabeenya keenya osoo hin taane, beekumsa keenyadha. Kan hin duunes lubbuu keenya miti, hojii keenyadha. Waan darbuuf gurra ergifnee waan hin dabarretti dugda gatuu irraa of haa eegnu! Beekumsi, gumaachiifi hojii gaariin keenya dhalootaaf ibsaa, addunyaaf immoo ifa ta'a. Eeyyen, waanumti hafuu qabu qofaan nutti haa hafu!

Inni hafu nutti haa hafu!

Abdiisaa Ejjetaa
Amajjii 31, 2021
Jechoota Jajjaboo kitaaba "Ga'umsa Dhokataa keessake jiru Gad-dhiisi" jedhu keessaa hamma tokko walitti qabee siniif dhiyeesseera itti dhiyaadhaa.

Eebboo koo kitaaba kana dholoota kanaaf bu'aa buusa jettee hiikuukeef guddaa si galateeffadha.

Kuno itti dhiyaadhaa:

🔜 Waaqayyo jireenya keef karoora qaba.

🔜 Kaayyoo kee argachuuf Uumaa kee wajjin hariiroo qabaachuu qabda.

🔜 Kitaabni Qulqulluu siif maanu'aalii Waaqayyooti. Wantota si barbaachisan, qajeelchawwanii fi akeekkacjiisawwan kee beekuu fi itti jiraachuu si barbaachisa.

🔜 Hojiin ga'umsa dhokataa kee akka ittiin gad dhiistuuf karaa Waaqayyo siif kennedha.

🔜 Waaqayyo sii fi dandeettiiwwan keetti ni amana.

🔜 Gatii fi dandeettiinke hamma Waaqayyo siin jedhe ga'a.

🔜 Waanta Waaqayyoon caalu yaaduu, karoorsuu fi il-yaaduu hin dandeessi, sababni isaas Waaqayyo Madda il-yaada keetiiti.

🔜 Tokkoon tokkoon keenya hoji-manee fiixaan baasnu qabannee gara Addunyaa kanaa dhufna.

🔜 Ga'umsi dhokataanke gad dhiifame dhaala addunyaati.

🔜 Ga'umsa dhokataa daangaa hin qabne of keessatti qabattee gara Addunyaa kanaa dhufte.

🔜 Waan hojjette caalaa waan guddaa hojjechuu ni dandeessa.

🔜 Waaqayyo waan hundumaa ga'umsa dhokataa wajjin uume.

🔜 Waaqayyo madda ga'umsa dhokataa hundumaati.

🔜 Waaqayyo yommuu si barbaade, ofii isaatti dubbate.

🔜 Waaqayyo irraa dhufte.

🔜 Waan Waaqayyo si irraa barbaadu hojjechuu dandeessa, sababni isaas humna ittiin sana hojjettu si keessa hin keenye taanaan inni hojicha akka hojjettu sin gaafatu.

🔜Waaqayyo kaayyoo jireenya keetii ni beeka.

🔜Waaqayyon alatti ati kaayyooke hin beektu

Waan xiqqoo tokko qofaan sin biraan ga'e.

Kitaaba ba'eessa kanatti fayyadamaa! Kitaaba baay’ee waa'ee walitti dhufeenya uumamaa siif Waaqayyoo gudduu jiru sin hubachiisee, sababii Waaqayyo sin uummateef akka jiraattaniif sin gargaara. Sababiinsaayyu Waaqayyo nama hundumaa sababii uummateef waan qabuuf. Akkasumaan namni uumame Addunyaa kana irra hin jiru Waaqayyo nama hundumaa karooraan uummate.

Author Iyyaasuu Tarrafaa Fayisaa
Forwarded from Jireenya jijjiirame (Hirpha)
Namni jireenya boqonnaa qabu jiraachu kan inni danda'uu

1 Yoo of Jaalate(take positive of love oneself),
2 Yoo nama kan biraa Jaalatefi
3 Yoo Waaqayyoon Jaalatedha

Jaalalli Waaqayyodha .
Namni Waaqayyoon nan Jaaladha jedhu Yoo ofisa jaalateefi Nama kan biraa kan akka isaatii jaalatedha
kanaaf obbollessa koo jireenya boqonnaa qabu jiraachu yoo feete JAALALA filadhu inni Jireenya BOQONNAA of keessaa qabudhaa.
#Hordoftonni Amantaa Kiristaanaa
#Baga geessan!
A 10-year-old boy decided to study judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.

The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t understand why, after three months of training the master had taught him only one move. “Sensei,”(Teacher in Japanese) the boy finally said, “Shouldn’t I be learning more moves?” “This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you’ll ever need to know,” the sensei replied.

Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy kept training. Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his first tournament. Surprising himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became impatient and charged; the boy deftly used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.

This time, his opponent was bigger, stronger, and more experienced. For a while, the boy appeared to be overmatched. Concerned that the boy might get hurt, the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the sensei intervened. “No,” the sensei insisted, “Let him continue.” Soon after the match resumed, his opponent made a critical mistake: he dropped his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament.

He was the champion. On the way home, the boy and sensei reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really on his mind.

“Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“You won for two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of the judo. And second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.”

The boy’s biggest weakness had become his biggest strength.

Moral: Sometimes we feel that we have certain weaknesses and we blame God, the circumstances or ourselves for it but we never know that our weaknesses can become our strengths one day. Each of us is special and important, so never think you have any weakness, never think of pride or pain, just live your life to its fullest and extract the best out of it!
This is the true story of two young men who were attending the University of Southern California together. They decided to take a trip together during their summer break. So they saved up their money to go to India, and they spent the whole summer there with their backpacks on, taking trains and seeing the cities and the countryside. They saw millions of poor people. They had never seen such poverty before. They had never seen such filth. They were overwhelmed. One day, they were in a hostel, and one of the guys looked out of a second-story window. As far as his eyes could see, he saw poverty-stricken Indian people. They were barefoot, living in the mud. The men had no shirts on, and the children were naked. Flies were swarming and crawling all over them. He said to his friend, “Gosh, man, look at all the poor people. They don’t have any shoes on, and they don’t even have clothes.” His buddy came to the window. He said, “Yeah, man, wow. What a place for a shoe business.” That’s all he said. The two guys went back home and returned to college. They were both in the same classes. They were both studying business administration. As the second guy sat in class, he could not get the pictures of India out of his mind. He saw all those bare feet. So he started sketching on a piece of paper in the back of the class. He ended up designing a pair of shoes that could be made out of plastic and mass-produced. He decided to drop out of school, against people’s advice, because he had become obsessed with this idea about shoes for India. His friend said to him, “You are crazy. You’ve got to stay in school and get a job so you can make a living.” But the guy had this idea, and he was going to see what he could do with it. So he got somebody to make a prototype, and he found acompany that said they could produce it for 15 cents a pair. He went to his brother’s friend for start-up nancing. His brother’s friend said, “Do you have a market for these shoes?” “Yes, I have a market—millions of barefoot Indians. I’ve got a big market in India. If we make this shoe for 15 cents, we can ship it over there and sell it for 50 cents, and we could get a shoe business going.” His brother’s friend thought that sounded good. Within 12 months, they had produced over 3 million pairs of shoes, and they shipped them to some of the big cities in India. The guy became a millionaire in one year. He never did go back to school. When his friend graduated the following year, he hired him to be his accountant.

You see, the dierence between those two young guys was in what they could see out that window. Both of them had the same scene in front of them—acres of barefoot people. But whereas one guy saw only poor, barefoot men, women, and children, the other guy saw something else—a way to help the people and a way to step up higher himself. One saw a crisis situation; the other saw an opportunity instead. It was a matter of perspective, vision, and hard work.
Abdii, the brilliant 13-year-old boy, is a gifted artist with a flair for sketching. Despite not having attended any formal art school, his creativity in drawing pictures of humans, animals, and other subjects is awe-inspiring.
👉👉To see his drawings join @abdiiart👈👈
2024/06/11 13:08:39
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