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大家好。 上周我没有告诉大家,在10月6日,我醒来时感到喉咙痛和头痛。 做了新冠测试,发现我是阳性。 经过10天时间,现在我已经恢复正常了。 在最初的5天里,我的症包括喉咙痛,头痛,头晕,牙齿和脸部疼痛,总体上感觉非常疲劳。 这些症状与流行性感冒非常相似。 昨天我的检测结果已经是阴性,今天我又开始在健身房锻炼了。 我应该是在10月3日的飞机上感染的。 当时飞机上没有人戴口罩,很多人都在咳嗽和打喷嚏,这简直是感染新冠的最佳场所了。 在西方,没有人再关心新冠病毒了。 没有人戴口罩,甚至没有人隔离。 我相信不久的将来中国会对新冠采取开放的政策。 我确信到那时,中国已经做好准备与病毒斗争。 在这个斗争中,关键是接种疫苗,保持身体健康,尽可能的多运动健身。 我相信,强健的身体素质会帮助我们有效地对抗病毒。
Hello everyone. I didn't tell you all last week, but on the 6th October I woke up with a sore throat and a headache. I took a test and found that I had Covid. It took 10 days, but now I am back to normal. For the first 5 days I had a very sore throat, headaches, dizziness, aching teeth and face, and generally felt very tired. The symptoms are very similar to influenza. I tested negative yesterday, and today I was back exercising in the gym. I think that I caught Covid on the plane on the 3rd October. No one is wearing masks, and plenty of people were coughing and sneezing, so it was the perfect place to catch it. Here in the West no one cares anymore about Covid. No one is wearing masks or even quarantining or isolating. Eventually, China will open up to the disease. I am sure that by then China will be ready to fight it. The key is to get vaccinated, stay healthy, and get as fit as you can. I believe that my high level of fitness helped me fight the virus effectively.——FreeGecko
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I would like to say something about why China is continuing with Zero-Covid at this time. After the Shanghai outbreak in March, April and May of 2022, the Chinese government estimated that were they to allow the Coronavirus to spread across the whole of the country at that time, approximately 500,000 to 1 million people would have died. This compared favorably to the estimated 6 million that would have died had the coronavirus spread across China in February 2020. It is a lower estimate because many people had been vaccinated by May of 2022. That said, those that are most at risk, the aged, had a very low vaccination rate at that time. The average age of people that die of Covid is 83. The older you are, the more likely you are to die. I was told by the government back in May of this year that there was a huge push underway to get the old people vaccinated. Also, most aged people live outside of the cities and towns, and they have less healthcare coverage. So, the push for the last 6 months has been to vaccinate the elderly, provide better healthcare facilities outside of the cities and towns, and get the anti-viral drugs and other treatments ready. It is my assessment that the government is waiting for an estimation that less than 200,000 will die from Covid when it is allowed to pass through the population. That would be one of the lowest fatality rates in the world at 14/100K, compared to the USA at 326/100K. It is only my guess, but the opening will probably be early 2023. I believe that they are currently assessing how well protected the aged are at this time to see how well their vaccination strategy has worked. I personally continue to support the government in their Zero-Covid strategy, even though it will cause some discomfort and inconvenience to us all. I am in the USA now, and I have already contracted and recovered from Covid, which I caught on a flight from the UK to France on October 3rd, 2022. I have been vaccinated 3 times and for me, at the age of 27, it was like having a bad case of influenza. From catching the virus to being tested negative again, took about 12 days. Thank you all for your understanding and support at this time; the company will do everything to accommodate everyone’s needs.
我想给大家解释一下,为什么中国在这个时候继续实行动态清零政策。 在2022年3月、4月和5月上海爆发疫情后,中国政府预估,如果当时放任新冠病毒在全国蔓延,大约会有50万至100万人死亡。 但是如果早在2020年2月放任病毒蔓延,估计会有600万人死亡。 其实这个预估的数字是偏低的,因为虽然许多人在2022年5月前已经接种了疫苗,但是患病风险最大的人,也就是老龄人口,当时的疫苗接种率还是非常低。 死于新冠病毒的患者平均年龄是83岁,患者死亡的概率与年龄成正比。 早在今年5月,政府就告诉我,目前正在大力推动老年人的疫苗接种。 中国大多数老年人居住在城乡,他们的医疗保障较少。 因此,在过去6个月里,中国一直在积极推动老年人接种疫苗,为城乡提供更好的医疗设施,准备抗病毒药物和其他治疗方法。 我的估计是,中国政府在预估数据显示,死于新冠的患者将少于20万的情况下,可能会实行放开政策。 如果是这样,这将是全球最低的新冠死亡率之一,14/100K,而美国的新冠死亡率是326/100K。 这只是我的猜测,我猜放开的时间可能是在2023年初。 我相信中国政府目前正在评估对老龄人口的医疗保护程度,研究老年人疫苗接种的效果。 就我个人而言,我一如既往的支持中国政府 "动态清零" 策略,虽然这会给我们的工作和生活带来一些不方便。 我现在人在美国拜访客户,今年的10月3日,我在从英国飞往法国的飞机上感染了新冠,现在已经康复了。离开中国之前, 我已经在国内接种了3次疫苗,所以这次感染新冠对27岁的我来说,更像得了一场严重的流感。 从感染到转阴,大约是12天的时间。 感谢大家在这个特殊时期对公司的理解和支持,公司会尽一切努力满足大家的需求。
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2024/06/14 07:20:55
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