i send to yusur banana fish edits
she sends me given edits
we’re both traumatized but at least we’re traumatized together
احب شون اول ما الگه شي يخرعني ادزلچيا
أموت علينا ولج
الترويدة الفلسطينية ،
When I reread what I've written, I feel like I'm swallowing my own vomit.
But the people who did get that love, they grew up to be different from us. More secure. Maybe they’re not as shiny or successful as you and I feel we have to be. But it’s not because they’re not interesting. They just don’t feel they have to do the tap dance, you know? They don’t have to prove themselves all the time to be loved. Because they always were.
2024/05/15 09:43:03
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