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📍No disease could ever be proven to be transmissible In experiments.

📍Transmissible disease are a lucrative assumption for which no scientific evidence exists.

📍Pandemics of disease do not exist.

📍Physical disease-causing viruses have never scientifically correct been proven to exist.

📍 Viruses are a mental construct, an idea. The idea viruses exist is a real virus.

📍All 'vaccines' and 'anti viral medicines' ever given have only been harmful.

📍Virology is 100% pseudo science!


🔅The Rosenau 1918 contagion experiment
and (scroll down to “epidemiological studies”)

🔅 Transmission routes of respiratory viruses among humans

🔅 The common cold

⚡️A Farewell To Virology

Find more failed contagion/transmission experiments at:

👉Debunking the nonsense PDF page 36 - or watch the video

👉Virology - The Damning Evidence

A list of failed contagion studies/experiment PDF

Forwarded from Truth Is The Contagion
Latest from ADV:

"There is no virus. This means there is no cancer caused by said virus. There certainly is damaged tissue creating cytopathic effect as the cells expire. However, the Gardasil vaccine is completely fraudulent, from its design and theory. This is not the method to correct a cervical concern. It is a way to create one, however. Also, a way to create cancers."


"Why are they targeting our youth? The primary goal is infertility. If you have been paying attention you would have noticed mankind has been under attack by the controlling billionaires who are eugenists and warmongers. They sell fears like climate change and manipulate minds to swallow every agenda they manufacture like lies about being overpopulated or that there are more than 2 genders. Everything is made to be emotional and polarized. They’ve been working on the dumbing down and numbing out of mankind for quite some time now…and many of the results are in."
Happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. 🙏
EXCLUSIVE - Cancer in the cabinet: Daily Mail graphic reveals the makeup and personal care products high in dangerous chemicals... including FLOSS and tampons
2024/06/03 09:03:33
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