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💣 Master Bomber 2.0 : Online Tool Which You Can Send 100s Of SMS As Well As Calls On Someone's (Targets) Phone

📖 If You're Not Familiar With Bombing Here's a Briefly Definition

A bomber tool is a type of hacking tool that is used to send a large number of messages or requests to a target, with the goal of overwhelming or crashing the target's system. This type of attack is commonly known as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
Termux Hackers (Users)
💣 Master Bomber 2.0 : Online Tool Which You Can Send 100s Of SMS As Well As Calls On Someone's (Targets) Phone 📖 If You're Not Familiar With Bombing Here's a Briefly Definition A bomber tool is a type of hacking tool that is used to send a large number of…
Installation: To Use "Master Bomber (M-Bomber)" Type The Following Commands Each On Your (Termux!) Terminal

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y

pkg install git -y

pkg install wget -y

pkg install pv -y

pkg install figlet -y

git clone

cd m-bomber2.O

📖 A Briefly Definition Of Pishing

Phishing tools are typically used to trick people into giving away their personal information (credentials) by creating fake login pages or websites that look like legitimate ones.

Black Mafia: A PUBG Phishing tool that will allow you to Create pishing pages that looks like A PUBG Offer Page
Termux Hackers (Users)
📖 A Briefly Definition Of Pishing Phishing tools are typically used to trick people into giving away their personal information (credentials) by creating fake login pages or websites that look like legitimate ones. Black Mafia: A PUBG Phishing tool that…
Installation: To Use "Black Mafia" Type The Following Commands Each On Your (Termux!) Terminal

apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install php wget git -y

git clone

cd Phishing

chmod +x ngrok

Admin Hack: A script to find admin login pages and EAR vulnerabilites

📖 Briefly Explanation

hacking an admin panel refers to gaining unauthorized access to the administrative control panel of a website or web application. This can be achieved through various techniques such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, brute-force attacks, and other methods.
Termux Hackers (Users)
Admin Hack: A script to find admin login pages and EAR vulnerabilites 📖 Briefly Explanation hacking an admin panel refers to gaining unauthorized access to the administrative control panel of a website or web application. This can be achieved through various…
Installation: To Use "Admin Hack" Type The Following Commands On You (Termux!) Terminal

pkg upgrade

pkg update

pkg install git

git clone

cd AdminHack

🎣 "LordPhish"

Brief Description about Phishing‼️

Phishing is a type of online scam where an attacker sends a fraudulent email, text message, or website to trick a victim into providing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers.
Termux Hackers (Users)
🎣 "LordPhish" Brief Description about Phishing‼️ Phishing is a type of online scam where an attacker sends a fraudulent email, text message, or website to trick a victim into providing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social…
🖇 Installation

Installation: To Install (LordPhish) Type The Below Commands *Each On Your Termux Terminal

apt-get update -y

apt-get install php -y

apt-get install openssh -y

apt-get install wget -y

apt-get install git -y

git clone

cd LordPhish


🎣Social Phish: A Simple Phishing Tool With 32 Templates +1 Customizable

- One of the most complete options available. It includes 32 templates, which are pre-designed phishing emails or websites that mimic legitimate ones in order to trick people into giving away sensitive information. Additionally, there is an option to create a customized template.
Termux Hackers (Users)
🎣 • Social Phish: A Simple Phishing Tool With 32 Templates +1 Customizable - One of the most complete options available. It includes 32 templates, which are pre-designed phishing emails or websites that mimic legitimate ones in order to trick people into…

To Install Social Phish Type The Below Commands On Your Termux Terminal.

git clone

cd SocialPhish

chmod +x


This tool boasts a user-friendly installation process that even beginners will find effortless. With its straightforward setup, you can get started in no time and reap the benefits of its features without any hassle.

TM-scanner is a straightforward program written in Python that helps identify security flaws in websites. It is designed to search for weaknesses that could potentially be exploited by malicious actors, making it a useful tool for website owners and security professionals alike. With its simple interface and easy-to-use features, TM-scanner is a valuable asset for anyone looking to improve the security of their website.
Termux Hackers (Users)
• TM-Scanner TM-scanner is a straightforward program written in Python that helps identify security flaws in websites. It is designed to search for weaknesses that could potentially be exploited by malicious actors, making it a useful tool for website…
Installation :

apt update && apt upgrade

apt install git 

apt install python2

apt install python

git clone

cd TM-scanner

chmod +x * 


usage : 


select your option and enter target site
📹 | GrabCam • A bash script for termux. It can hack a victim's camera using a simple offer page. Works on rooted and non-rooted Android devices.

GrabCam is a script created specifically for Termux, a terminal emulator for Android. This script allows the user to hack into someone's camera by using a simple phishing page. It is compatible with both rooted and non-rooted Android devices.
Termux Hackers (Users)
📹 | GrabCam • A bash script for termux. It can hack a victim's camera using a simple offer page. Works on rooted and non-rooted Android devices. GrabCam is a script created specifically for Termux, a terminal emulator for Android. This script allows the user…
Firstly Installing The Requirements.

apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
pkg install python -y
pkg install python2 -y
pkg install git -y
pip install lolcat

Running (GrabCam)

git clone

cd $HOME


cd grabcam



Make sure both NGROK & Cloudflare Requirements are installed or pishing page (link) won't be generated.
Cam-Dumper - Cam-Dumper is a tool that runs on the Linux-based operating system called termux. It enables users to capture images from the front camera of a targeted individual and receive those images in their termux by sharing a link. This tool is designed for situations where someone is engaging in negative activities online, and you want to obtain their real image as evidence. Cam-Dumper utilizes straightforward javascript to accomplish this task effectively.
Termux Hackers (Users)
Cam-Dumper - Cam-Dumper is a tool that runs on the Linux-based operating system called termux. It enables users to capture images from the front camera of a targeted individual and receive those images in their termux by sharing a link. This tool is designed…
Installation :

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y

apt install git php wget curl jq cloudflared

git clone


chmod +x
WebScrape | This is a web scraping tool that is programmed in bash scripting language. It has been designed with comprehensive error handling capabilities. The purpose of this tool is to extract email addresses and phone numbers from various websites.

What Is Web Scraping...

Web scraping is a method used to gather a significant amount of data from websites. It involves extracting specific information from web pages and saving it to a file on your computer. This data can then be utilized for various purposes.
Termux Hackers (Users)
• WebScrape | This is a web scraping tool that is programmed in bash scripting language. It has been designed with comprehensive error handling capabilities. The purpose of this tool is to extract email addresses and phone numbers from various websites. What…
To Use WebScrape Type The Following Commands On Your Termux Terminal...

git clone

cd webscrape

chmod +x

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