Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary in News
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Scientists amazed as Orangutan uses medicinal plant to treat wound, ‘like administered by doctors’



These are exclusively arborealwhich means they live among the trees of tropical rainforests.
According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), there are three species of orangutans: Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli.
They feast on wild fruits like lychees, and figs, and slurp water from holes in trees.
Orangutans can live up to 50 years, but they have a relatively low reproductive rate because females only give birth once every 5-10 years. 
Bornean and Sumatran orangutans differ a little in appearance and behaviour. While both have shaggy reddish fur, Sumatran orangutans have longer facial hair.
Sumatran orangutans are reported to have closer social bonds than their Bornean cousins.
Conservation status
IUCN: Critically Endangered


Forwarded from UPSC PIB NEWS
🔆India highlights Forest Conservation and Sustainable
Forest Management initiatives at the 19th Session of
the United Nations Forum on Forests

Globally India rank third in the net gain in average forest area
International big cat alliance click here
50 years of project tiger click here
30 years of project elephant

📍What is the United Nations Forum on Forests?

The UNFF is an intergovernmental policy forum which promotes “management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests and to strengthen long-term political commitment to this end.

UNFF was established in 2000 by the UN Economic and Social Council. The Forum has universal membership, and is composed of all Member States of the United Nations.



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🔆Sea Anemone:

It is an invertebrate aquatic animal marked by soft bodies and has an ability to sting. They are close associates of corals and live rocks.

It is an ocean-dwelling members of the phylum Cnidaria. It has a sticky foot or disc that allows them to anchor to rocks on the sea bottom or on coral reefs.

They have stinging cells which are equipped with organelles known as nematocysts that contain small threads which are forcefully everted when stimulated mechanically or chemically.

They are known to form symbiotic relationships with other animals; their most well-known alliance is with clownfish.

They make their homes within the anemone’s tentacles, protected from predators; in return, the anemone eats the clownfish’s leftover meals.

They can have anywhere from a dozen to a few hundred tentacles. These cnidarians come in a variety of colors, decorating a tide pool or reef like a garden of wildflowers.

Some species of sea anemones also have a relationship with Hermit crabs. The anemone will attach itself to the crab’s shell and be carried around to find more food, while the crab uses the anemone as protection from its predators.


Elephent transfer rule 2024
🔆Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary:

It is a protected area located in the north-western area of Sonitpur district of Assam.
It is located along the foothills of the Great Himalayan Range.

The sanctuary experiences a sub-tropical type of climate with hot and humid summers, with heavy summer rains often causing floods and river overflows.
The Burhidihing Rivertraces its course through the sanctuary.
The Namchang River, flowing from the state of Arunachal Pradesh, enters this region and joins the Burhidihing River.

Flora: It mostly comprises evergreen forest. However, grasslands are also common in this region.

The main attractions of the sanctuary are Elephant and Indian bison. The other animals found in the sanctuary are deer, one-horned rhinoceros, leopard, tiger and some rare species of cats.
Avifauna includes endangered species like White Winged Wood Duck. Other birds commonly found here are Woodpecker, Hill Myna, Indian Roller, Nightjar, Horned Owl, etc.

🔆Peregrine Falcon:

It is one of the most widespread birds in the world. It is found on all continents except Antarctica and on many oceanic islands.

They prefer open habitats, such as grasslands, tundra, and meadows.

They are most common in tundra and coastal areas and rare in sub-tropical and tropical habitats. They nest on cliff faces and crevices.

They are active during the day. When not breeding they are primarily solitary and establish and defend territories.

Ecological role: They are high level predators, peregrine falcons play an important role in regulating populations of their prey, particularly pigeons and doves.

Conservation status
IUCN Red List status: Least Concern.

upsc mains society ( 50-75 Mark's)

🔆Mammoth carbon capture Plant:

It is the largest carbon dioxide capture and storage facility of its kind situated on a dormant volcano in Iceland.
It is dubbed as "Mammoth," this plant is Climeworks' second commercial direct air capture (DAC) facility in the nation and is significantly larger than its predecessor, Orca, which began in 2021.

This cutting-edge technology draws in air and chemically extracts carbon dioxide, which can then be stored underground, converted into stone, or reused

📍What is direct air capture?

It extracts CO2 directly from the atmosphere at any location, unlike carbon capture which is generally carried out at the point of emissions, such as a steel plant.
The CO2 can be permanently stored in deep geological formations or used for a variety of applications.


Forwarded from UPSC Editorial analysis
🔆Rat -hole mining in news

Rat-hole mining is a manual drilling method used by skilled workers in Meghalaya, where narrow pits are dug into the ground to extract coal.

The miner descends into the holes using rope and bamboo ladders, causing hazards such as asphyxiation, lack of oxygen, and hunger.

This method is illegal in many countries due to the increasing cases of miners dying from asphyxiation, lack of oxygen, and hunger.

Another type involves a rectangular opening and a vertical pit, with rat-hole-sized tunnels dug horizontally to extract coal.

Rat-hole mining has faced criticism due to hazardous working conditions, environmental damage, and numerous accidents resulting in injuries and fatalities.

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) banned rat-hole mining in 2014, citing numerous cases of water flooding in mining areas during rainy seasons, resulting in the deaths of workers


🔆Bombax Celba tree in news

Annually, around 1,500-2,000 semal trees or branches are cut and used for Holika Dahan festivities in Udaipur, despite legal protections under various forest acts.
The once-common crimson flower of the semal is now rarely seen, signalling a decline in its population due to extensive cutting.
Tribal members involved in cutting semal trees see it as an economic opportunity, given the low effort and cost of harvesting wild trees compared to cultivated crops.
The demand from urban areas, particularly for large Holika Dahan events, drives the cutting of semal trees.


2024/05/14 20:04:15
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