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Kudavolai System
Ancient System related to Election method for selecting the village representative.
It was practiced during 10th century Chola administration & was also mentioned in the Uthiramerur Inscription.
Ramsar Sites Map
Coming soon for UPSC CSE Prelims 2024
The Supreme Court has expanded the scope of Right to Life in its various judgments and declared the following rights as part of Article 21.
(a) Right to live with human dignity.
(b) Right to decent environment including pollution free water and air and protection against hazardous industries.
(c) Right to livelihood.
(d) Right to privacy.
(e) Right to shelter.
(f) Right to health.
(g) Right to free education upto 14 years of age.
(h) Right to free legal aid.
(i) Right against solitary confinement.
(j) Right to speedy trial.
(k) Right against handcuffing.
(l) Right against inhuman treatment.
(m) Right against delayed execution.
(n) Right to travel abroad.
(o) Right against bonded labour
(p) Right against custodial harassment.
(q) Right to emergency medical aid
(r) Right to timely medical treatment in government hospital.
(s) Right not to be driven out of a state.
(t) Right to fair trial.
(u) Right of prisoner to have necessities of life.
(v) Right of women to be treated with decency and dignity.
(w) Right against public hanging.
(x) Right to hearing.
(y) Right to information.
(z) Right to reputation.

मैं हार जाऊं तो भी कोई दिक्कत नहीं,
लेकिन मैं हार मान लूं यह मेरी फितरत में नहीं..!!😊✌️

For all of you #upsc aspirants .
Which of the following regions is more commonly known for "frontal cyclones"?
Anonymous Quiz
Tropical regions
Equatorial regions
Polar regions
Mid latitude regions
Homo Naledi
•• Extinct species of archaic humans discovered in 2013 in the Rising star cave of S.Africa (UNESCO WHS).
•• Not a direct ancestor of modern humans but exhibits the combination of both primitive and modern features like burying their dead and making rock art.
Phanigiri Site
● It is a Buddhist site located in Telangana.
● The word Phanigiri in Sanskrit means “Phani” i.e snake and “Giri” means hills.
● Recently coin hoards have been unearthed from the site which belongs to the Ikshvaku dynasty era.
● This site has the presence of both mahayana and hinayana buddhism.

#prelims #history
List of Missions to Venus and associated space agencies
1) ISRO - Shukrayaan-1
2) European Space Agency - Venus Express
3) JAXA - Akatsuki Venus Climate Orbiter
6) European Space Agency - EnVision
Darien Gap -
The Darien Gap is a stretch of densely forested jungle across northern Colombia and southern Panama.

No paved roads exist in the Darien Gap. Yet despite this, it has become a major route for global human migration.

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IFoS 2023 Final Result
Few important State Govt. Schemes/ Initiatives for Prelims

Operation AMRITH
👉 It is launched by Kerala Drug Control Department to prevent overuse of antibiotics in the state.

👉Declared by Odisha government.
👉Provision of 1 lakh interest free bank loans to all rural unemployed youths between 18-35 years for initiating new business ventures.
👉Eligibility Criteria: Family income less than 2 lakh

Mahatari Vandan Yojana
👉 Chhattisgarh.
👉 Provision of monthly cash assistance (1000/month) to the married women.

Dharani Portal
👉 Telangana.
👉 One stop solution for land related transactions.
🤔Worried about UPSC Prelims 2024 Current Affairs?
Check out SĀŃKŞIPTA PDF Course.

📝What you will get:
👉 PDFs covering the most important current affairs topics from The Hindu, Indian Express, Down to Earth, PIB and other reliable sources.

👉Total 31 PDFs of 4-5 pages/pdf (6 MAY to 5 June)
👉 Content curated specifically to meet UPSC Prelims exam demands.
👉 Print-friendly Stay ahead in your UPSC Prelims preparation with SĀŃKŞIPTA's current affairs program!

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Geography Sites - Demo Notes.pdf
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Demo Notes

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Global Stocktake
A new report released by UN Climate highlights the rapidly closing window of opportunity to contain rise in global temperatures within 1.5 degree Celsius from pre-industrial times.
10 Reports in News
1. Asian Development Outlook
- Released by Asian Development Bank.

2. Plastic Overshoot Day Report 2024
- Released by Earth Action.
- It is usually based on a country’s Mismanaged Waste Index.

3. Global Trade Outlook
- Released by the World Trade Organisation.

4. Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor Report 2024
- Released by New Climate Institute and Carbon Market Watch.

5. Global Trade Outlook & Statistics Report
- Released by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
- It shows signs of fragmentation in trade flows.

6. State of Global Climate Report 2023
- It is released by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
- According to the report 2023 was the warmest year.

7. Adaptation Gap Report
- Released by UNEP.

8. Ecological Threat Report 2023
- Released by the Institute for Economics & Peace.
9. Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99% Report
- Released by Oxfam International.

10. World Malaria Report 2023
- It is released by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Malaria is an infectious disease caused by plasmodium protozoa.
- It is mainly transmitted by Female Anopheles mosquitoes.
2024/06/16 04:14:51
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