I have verified (blasted) the published Megahit assemblies by McKernan et al. (@Kevin_McKernan
) against the SV40 promoter sequence (317bp).
Here's respectively the longest matching contig:
- Pfizer 1: Identities = 245/245 (100%), Gaps = 0/245 (0%); 77.3% match
- Pfizer 2: Identities = 245/245 (100%), Gaps = 0/245 (0%); 77.3% match
- Moderna 1: Identities = Identities = 67/67 (100%), Gaps = 0/67 (0%); 21.1% match
- Moderna 2: Identities = 317/317 (100%), Gaps = 0/317 (0%); 100% match

While Megahit was not able to assemble the entire SV40 sequence with the Pfizer 1&2 and Moderna 1 samples, it found a 100% match against the Moderna 2 sample!

My conclusion, while I could not verify the original SARS2 sequence - in this case I agree with McKernan et al., and the SV40 promoter appears to be present in the COVID-19 vaccines.

Sources & Code:
- Samples from Study: https://osf.io/b9t7m/
- SV40: https://snapgene.com/plasmids/basic_cloning_vectors/SV40_promoter opened in SnapGene Viewer, saved as .fa file.
- Code for each sample:
makeblastdb -in PbiV1-cs-Megahit-assem.fa -dbtype nucl
blastn -query sv40.fa -db PbiV1-cs-Megahit-assem.fa -evalue 1 -task megablast > Pfi1.crunch

#Covid #Covid19 #Pfizer #Moderna #DNA #mRNA
Yearly data for many countries is now available since 1950 via the UN dataset!
Nobel Price for mRNA vaccines! 🤡
Read my new article, showing that there's absolutely no excess mortality in Sweden!
🔥 German Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI) data shows that there was never a stat. sign. increase in clinical illness!
➡️ It was simply an illusion, created by PCR/antigen tests --> "Testdemic"
➡️ There is no statistical significant increase above the 99.9% PI of previous years.
💥💥💥 BREAKING: Germany's Latest 2023 Mortality Data Reveals Reversion to Pre-Vaccination Mortality Trend!
> No sign. exess mortality in 2020!
> 2023 excess mortality at +2.1% (95%PI -3%, +7.3%)
> The only time Germany saw significant all-cause excess mortality, was during the vaccination campaign!
> See X🧵 for full report: https://x.com/USMortality/status/1745187250068242908?s=20
My response to Tracy Beth Høeg's response to Denis Rancourt et al.!

<< A data driven review of the latest article that critically discusses the claim of 17M vaccine deaths. >>

In a new guest post by Tracy Beth Høeg on Dr. Bhattacharya & Ray Arora’s Substack “The Illusion of Consensus”, the Tracy critically responds to the “17M vaccine death claims” as raised awareness by Brett Weinstein on Tucker Carlsons show.

Full article: https://usmortality.substack.com/p/my-response-to-tracy-beth-hegs-response
🔥 Six minute scientific breakdown of how the illusion of a pandemic may have been created using common virological methods by JJ Couey!
In the second 4 minute video, JJ's comments about the transfection, which supposedly were to "stay in the arm", the novelty of the sequence, the illusion of gain of function (DEFUSE proposal) and the implications of what's been going for more than 50 years!
Full video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2037237943
All-cause Mortality by Vaccination Status from the Netherlands shows likely no vaccine efficacy, possible harm!
There's a large pharma funded Measles Scare Campaign ongoing.
The actual data doesn't support this. Here are three charts, that can be used to disprove their claims!
Full thread w/ sources: https://twitter.com/USMortality/status/1769438047211245847
Read my new article on Age Standardized Mortality Rates (ASMR) in Montana and its counties from 2020 to 2023!

TL;DR: In summary, excess mortality was likely caused by local events, such as poverty related, injury, overdose & alcohol related deaths - and not a globally spreading novel risk-additive pathogen. Vastly unvaccinated counties did not perform worse than highly vaccinated counties.

2024/06/03 04:50:00
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