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Forwarded from Vinnie Sullivan
Media is too big
Look into the eyes of the many individuals who survived or perished during the "world-wars." Our entire middle class wiped out & replaced with impostors. How many truly perished? This was #Blackpool, #Lancashire, #England, in 1903, just before our world was truly ruined.
Forwarded from Police frequency
The Biden administration announced new rules (not legislation) targeting carbon, air, and water pollution emanated by power plants, Reuters reports. They claim they could cut over 1 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2047.
Forwarded from Vinnie Sullivan
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A Young Woman's Beautiful Message To White Men. 🤍

Not only does she understand the true harshsip and depression of modern manhood, but her own importance within our strength. This puts utter shame to the capitalistic, feminist club addicts we've become so used to today. This is what hope looks like..

"We want you to come home"
The data was obtained via a subpoena to DHS

Data shows that during an 8 month stretch from Jan — Aug 2023, roughly 200,000 migrants flew into the U.S. via Biden's program, WITH 80%, (161,562) FLOODING INTO 4 CITIES IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA (Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, & Tampa)

The top 15 cities they flew into, & the numbers during this period:

1) Miami, FL: 91,821
2) Ft. Lauderdale, FL: 60,461
3) New York City, NY: 14,827
4) Houston, TX: 7,923
5) Orlando, FL: 6,043
6) Los Angeles, CA: 3,271
7) Tampa, FL: 3,237
8) Dallas, TX: 2,256
9) San Francisco, CA: 2,052
10) Atlanta, GA: 1,796
11) Newark, NJ: 1,498
12) Washington, D.C.: 1,472
13) Chicago, IL: 496
14) Las Vegas, NV: 483
15) Austin, TX: 171

[ continued... ]
CONTINUED: The CHNV parole program, created by the Biden admin in January 2023, was reported to allow up to 30,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, & Venezuela to bypass the southern border entirely, and fly directly into the U.S. from foreign countries...

But DHS revealed in the subpoena response that as of October 2023, at least 404,000 illegal aliens have flown into the U.S. via the CHNV parole program since it first began with a BACKLOG OF 1.6 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS WAITING TO FLY  INTO TO THE U.S. via Biden's illegal program. The 404k are from:

154,000 Haiti
95,000 Venezuela
84,000 Cuba
69,000 Nicaragua
The Biden administration has indicated that they are considering bringing Palestinian refugees from Gaza into the US to give these displaced persons "a permanent safe haven." This would be the first time that the US refugee program, established in 1980, took on the project of Palestinian resettlement in large numbers in the US.
Forwarded from Just a Dude 😎
Media is too big
The War Against Whites In Advertising | Richard Houck | Counter-Currents TV

Imagine walking into a mall where 97% of the population is White, yet advertisements overwhelmingly feature interracial couples - specifically, White women with Black men. This phenomenon is not limited to one location but is a ubiquitous trend in modern advertising. But why? Is it truly about selling products, or is it a deliberate attempt to indoctrinate and condition society to embrace a certain ideology? Richard Houck's exposé delves into the world of advertising, revealing a striking disparity between the reality of interracial relationships and their representation in media. With statistics showing that White women are least likely to respond to Black men in online dating and that White-Black relationships have disturbingly high rates of single motherhood and lack of paternal involvement, Houck raises crucial questions about the true motives behind this advertising trend. Join him on a journey to uncover the truth behind the 'The War Against Whites In Advertising' and the insidious forces driving this cultural narrative.

✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

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University institutions, in these times, are no longer bastions of freedom of expression, but rather platforms for torture and brainwashing. Those who dare to stand up at Columbia University and other institutions are being punished for merely protesting the genocide of a people group. In doing so, they are inadvertently exposing the true allegiance of the US Congress and universities, which is to serve only one people group: Israel. If we were living in medieval times, the United States would be classified as an Israeli vassal, a kingdom subservient to Israel. Over the years, $70 billion in aid has been given to Israeli interests with minimal, if any, reciprocal benefits. The bloodshed in the Middle East, resulting from constant wars, often serves the Greater Israel Project, as evidenced by reports of Pentagon leaks. Moreover, Israel provides China with a regional naval base and leaks US secrets to them, making Israel not only America's largest security breach but also the largest 'allied' nation that conducts terrorism against US citizens and servicemen alike. From the Apollo Incident to the USS Liberty incident, Israel's actions have been anything but supportive of its supposed ally, the United States.
Forwarded from Vinnie Sullivan
Flat earth, DEBUNKED!
If you get a 'free gift,' they pull the ole' tourist scam on ya';
Do not kill yourself. STRIVE AGAINST THE EVIL. STRIVE AGAINST ANARCHO TYRANNY. Do it professionally, and as civilly as you can muster.
This youtube video is paint on a rusting eternal-debt-card that all people who are not wealthy are beign forced to accept as 'eternal normal,' in addition to ABSURD rent and inflation, from ABSURDLY preventable issues [war and immigration.]

'Why Gen Z is quietly giving up.' LOL! It's obvious! THEY FEEL NO PROGRESSION IN THE 'GRIND'! And the 2012 Mayan Calender/CERN shit didn't help either.
Forwarded from Police frequency
4/29: USBP agents in New Orleans, LA conducted a vehicle stop & arrested an MS-13 gang member, Lorenzo Alexander Benitez, from El Salvador. He will be prosecuted for felony re-entry after being previously removed from the US

FY24: USBP agents have arrested 41 MS-13 gang members.

Chief Jason Owens
President Donald Trump says he may use the military to deport millions of illegal aliens if local law enforcement and the National Guard cannot complete the task.

"We will be using local law enforcement," Trump said. "And we will absolutely start with the criminals that are coming in. And they're coming in in numbers that we've never seen before."

"But I think in terms of the National Guard. But if I thought things were getting out of control, I would have no problem using the military, per se.”

"We have to have safety in our country. We have to have law and order in our country. And whichever gets us there, but I think the National Guard will do the job."
2024/06/16 03:43:51
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