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Blindfold Compass Course
James Hewitt - A Practical Guide to Yoga-Funk and Wagnalls (1968)
Bump and Hole
by Brendan Monroe
Pumpkin head. 
The children’s book of games & parties. 1913.
Internet Archive
The game may be varied by having the children name food products, birds, or animals that are peculiar to the northern, southern, eastern and western sections of the world and this makes more fun perhaps than to ask for names of places. And the children may stand in a circle about the child who throws the bean bag if they wish, but the circle should be quite a wide one. The player who is able to stay in the throwing line longest wins the game.
Madcap Melody by Judith Carr.
*book published in 1953.

“She would give this dreadful little spitfire her head and see just how far she dared to go. So that was why Melody was somewhat surprised at the very weak resistance Ella pretended to put up when she proceeded to tie her hands together with the tunic girdle. Never for a moment did she suspect that a trick was now being played on her. She trussed her victim very effectively, hands and feet, and then put the finishing touches to her efforts by tying her pigtails in a knot.”
2024/06/11 20:38:11
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