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Опубликовали 22-ю лекцию из курса SQM, посвященную code style, то есть красоте кода и методам ее контроля. Смотрите: 80 минут (with English subtitles).

#lecture #sqm
I just stumbled upon an interesting study by Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) showing that "team incentive doesn't affect team performance." Doesn't it contradict with a well-known Agile "shared responsibility" concept, according to which the entire team must be responsible for results and rewarded for success? Maybe, instead, it does confirm a hypothesis that both rewards and punishments should be as personal as possible?

BTW, recently, together with a few BSc students from the Innopolis University, we published a research paper that demonstrates that programmers prefer individual vs. shared responsibility.
It's time to submit your open source project to the KaiCode festival. This is the 7th year of the competition, which was known earlier as a Software Quality Award. If your project is well designed and organized (no matter how popular it is), you have a chance to win up to $2K. Here, you see @driver733, who won $2,048 in 2019 for this project: VK-Uploader. BTW, this is the promotional video of this competition, published in 2017.

Submit now! Even if your project is not yet perfect, you will get a detailed review from us, helping you understand how to improve your skills and your code.
I just published a new blog post, where I recommend pinging your GitHub repository co-contributors on four occasions, in order to make sure your issues and pull requests are resolved timely. Read it, it's short.
If you are in the field of Machine Learning and looking for a pet project or a diploma work, this task may be relevant for you. We need a script that will, with the help of ML, detect whether a GitHub repository contains samples or a real project like a framework or a library. Aside from creating such a script, if you do this project, we will help you to write a research paper and then publish it. Text me, if interested: @yegor256

P.S. Here is a bit less complex, but a similar task that involves ML.
Опубликовали интервью с Иваном Оселедец, профессором Сколтеха, ведущим научным сотрудником ИВМ РАН, и генеральным директором AIRI. Поговорили об искусственном интеллекте, науке и образовании. Смотрите: 77 минут.

Уже не первый раз сдаю кровь в Центре Крови Первого МГМУ им И. М. Сеченова. Говорят, полезно. А может быть кому-то моя кровь поможет сохранить жизнь. Ну и 1250₽ плюс два выходных дня — тоже приятно. Кстати, если сдать кровь 40 раз, то получишь статус почетного донора — а это не только почет и уважение, но и пожизненная премия 17 тысяч рублей в год. Жаль, сдавать можно не чаще пяти раз в год. Присоединяйтесь!
An interesting study was recently published at ICSE'24 conference. Four researchers from the University of Michigan asked a group of programmers to write code while being sober and then after smoking pot. Scientists found out that cannabis "significantly impairs programming performance." Programs implemented while high contained more bugs and took longer to write. Don't smoke while coding!

P.S. The next step is to research whether drunk programmers write better code than sober ones.
The 5th lecture in the OSBP course was just published: it explains how to set guidelines in an open source project so that your contributors enjoy them. Watch it: 80 minutes.

#lecture #osbp
Stumbled upon an interesting research: they found out that more popular GitHub repositories have larger ... README files. The study is 10 years old, though. Maybe, the current situation is somehow different?
University of Zurich decided to stop participating in THE ranking, where they still are at the 80th position. Why? Because the ranking "leads universities to concentrate on increasing the number of publications instead of improving the quality of their content".

If you ask me, this resembles an old debate about software engineering: should we quantitatively measure the performance of a programmer or quality matters more? I still believe that "quality" is a vague and misleading term. It only helps those who are lazy, to find an excuse for their low performance, either they are programmers or professors — it doesn't matter.
Опубликовали 23-ю лекцию, из длинного курса SQM, посвященную статическому анализу и линтерам. Смотрите: 76 минут (with English subtitles).

#lecture #sqm
"Don’t wait until your boss changes your title and lets you get rid of Spring Framework. Instead, start mentoring people around you and building a team of supporters. When it gets big enough, the changes will start happening even without your will."

Revolutionary Evolution (2019)
Just published the 6th lecture of the OSBP course for the Innopolis University, about integrating in open source projects, mostly through GitHub Actions. Watch: 78 minutes.

#lecture #osbp
I recently mentioned my experience as an investor in Silicon Valley. Here is the venture fund where it all happened: SeedRamp. You may be interested in watching the videos — it was fun. I'm not investing now, but maybe some time in the future, maybe in Russia.
На выходных собираемся записать новый выпуск Черно-Белого Айти. Обсуждение каких новостей хотите услышать?
Опубликовали 24-ю последнюю лекцию из курса SQM, она посвящена neural program analysis — анализу программного кода с применением нейронных сетей. Смотрите: 78 минут.

#lecture #sqm
"So why don’t the police protect me against, say, authors of Apache Hadoop? They created something that turns part of my life into a nightmare—much faster and much more severely than drunk drivers. So, where is the police? Why aren’t they protecting me, for my tax dollars? Why aren’t those Java guys in jail yet? We need a law against irresponsible coding!"

Imprisonment for Irresponsible Coding! (2015)

The 7th lecture in the OSBP course was published, it's about how to release open source software. Watch: 74 minutes.

#lecture #osbp
Just stumbled upon an interesting study that demonstrates the effect of the badges that we put into our README files: they do help! For example, the vast majority (88%) of study respondents agree with the statement: “I consider the presence of badges in general to be an indicator of project quality.” However, too many badges may have a negative effect (see the diagram). It seems that five badges is the optimal number.

2024/06/16 07:31:33
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