We are excited to be co-hosting a Culture Exchange Day this Mid-Autumn Festival in partnership with African Caribbean Care Group (ACCG)! 🌍

Join us for a fun-filled celebration of Hong Kong & Caribbean cultures, live performances, games, and delicious food!

Date: 27th Sep 2023 (Wed)
Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Location: Claremont Resources Centre, 2 Jarvis Road, Hulme

🎉 FREE for all to join on a first-come-first-served basis!

📝 Sign up now at the link below!


Follow us on:

| Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hk_cultural_community/
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Cultural-Community-105855328564766/
| Website: https://hkcc.org.uk/

Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社
🌕[Volunteers needed for Mid-Autumn Culture Exchange]🌕

Do you want to experience Caribbean and Hong Kong culture while serving with a fun and inclusive community?

Join our volunteer team to support the Mid-Autumn Culture Exchange Day on 27 September 2023!

Volunteers will be assigned to:
-Decorate and set up the event space
-Serve food and refreshments, and engage participants
-Assist with the Chinese calligraphy / lantern riddle activities
-Any ad hoc tasks as necessary

Fill in the form below to sign up:

Deadline for sign up: 13/9/2023


香港文化社 暨 African Caribbean Care Group將於2023年9月27舉行中秋文化日。



-協助中文書法工作坊 / 燈謎遊戲


Upcoming events of Hong Kong Cultural Community & HK Volunteers in Manchester ⭐️

香港文化社及曼城義工隊 活動預告

November 2023 十一月
Litter Picking at Eccles 🚮 / 社區清潔行動
Greening at Parsonage Garden 🪴 / 綠化活動

December 2023 十二月
Volunteer Gathering 🎊 / 義工聚會

January 2024 一月
Mental Health Cafe 🗣 / 心理健康茶會

February 2024 二月
Cooking Together 🥘 / 一齊煮飯

March 2024 三月
English-Cantonese Language Exchange 💬 / 英粤語言交流

Follow us and stay tuned!
活動詳情將於社交平台公佈, 敬請期待!

@hk_cultural_community @hk_volunteers_in_manchester


Follow us on:

| Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hk_cultural_community/
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Cultural-Community-105855328564766/
| Website: https://hkcc.org.uk/

Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社
Forwarded from B
Hong Kong Cultural Community is excited to launch "Dish Diplomacy" - a series of cooking exchange running from Feb to Mar 2024, where we believe food speaks louder than words in fostering cultural exchange. Participants will be asked to bring along a recipe close to heart to share and cook with your classmates.

We're on the lookout for both Hongkongers and locals from Manchester to participate our series.

📅 Program Details:

📍 Location: Chorlton High School
1️⃣ 10 Feb (Sat) 11:30am - 2:00pm
2️⃣ 24 Feb (Sat) 11:30am - 2:00pm
3️⃣ 9 Mar (Sat) 11:30am - 2:00pm

💰 Fee: FREE of charge*

Limited spots available! Register now using the QR code or via the link: https://forms.gle/dZeAG8ZQQSNArjXR7

Follow us on:

Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社

| Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hk_cultural_community/
| Telegram: https://www.tg-me.com/hkculturalcommunity
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Cultural-Community-105855328564766/
We are excited to bring back "Manc-Kongnians" - our English-Cantonese language exchange program in Manchester in March 2024!

All Hongkongers and locals in Manchester are welcome. Come join us to brush up your language skills, meet new friends, and better understand Hong Kong and UK cultures through our fun activities.

All sessions will be conducted in Manchester city centre:

2 March (Sat) 1pm - 4pm
10 March (Sun) 2pm - 5pm
16 March (Sat) 2pm - 5pm

Fee: FREE of charge*

*We will collect a deposit of £10, which will be refunded upon course completion and fulfilment of required attendance.

Seats are limited - sign up now with the QR code or via the link:

Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社

Follow us on:

| Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hk_cultural_community/
| Telegram: https://www.tg-me.com/hkculturalcommunity
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Cultural-Community-105855328564766/

2月9日至11日係「和你宵」,我地香港文化社將會在Manchester Market Street擺攤位和小型展覽推廣上面呢個信息!我地誠邀你來幫忙。

地點:Market Street



Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社

Follow us on:

| Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hk_cultural_community/
| Telegram: https://www.tg-me.com/hkculturalcommunity
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Cultural-Community-105855328564766/
🎉 好開心可以代表曼城義工隊,獲英國首相頒發Points of Light Award!

🏆 呢個獎項表揚為社區作出卓越貢獻嘅義工,亦係首相對香港社群努力同貢獻嘅認可,意義非凡。呢個獎屬於每一位遠渡重洋、面對著新生活挑戰,但仍然樂於助人嘅義工。

🌟 好榮幸喺農曆新年期間,應邀到唐寧街10號領獎,實在係發夢都無諗過嘅事。希望大家一齊繼續努力,發揮香港人嘅影響力💪

感謝每一位參與呢段旅程嘅人 🫶🏻


🎉 Honoured to receive the Prime Minister's Points of Light Award 2024 on behalf of Hong Kong Volunteers in Manchester!

🏆 Being recognised by the Prime Minister is a testament to the incredible efforts of the Hong Kong community, who have travelled thousands of miles to arrive in the UK, each facing their own battles when adjusting to a new life, but still have the heart to give and help others.

🌟 It's especially meaningful (and surreal) to be invited to 10 Downing Street to accept the award over Lunar New Year. 🏛🧧 This recognition inspires us to continue our mission of supporting the Hong Kong community and making Greater Manchester an even better place to live. 💪

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey 🫶🏻
展覽 Exhibition - 「Trees that We’re Planting」

地點 Venues:
SAAN1, 5 Kelvin St, Manchester M4 1ET

免費入場 Free entry

日期 Date:
8 Mar - 19 Mar 2024

時間 Time:
Weekday 2pm - 8pm ;
Weekend 12pm - 8pm

開幕日Opening day:
8 Mar(Fri)
Free entry, Hong Kong style food and drink will be provided

Hong Kong has seen waves of emigration over the decades. With 2019 marking another round of countless farewells to the beloved city, the seeds of Hong Kongers further sprout across different corners of the world, planting roots and flourishing with our collective effort.
Through this cross-media art exhibition, we hope to share with everyone these ‘trees’ Hong Kongers are planting, while auctioning to raise funds for our fellow brothers and sisters.
One sows and another reaps.
Never forget our roots.

Stay tuned for more details.
飲啖茶 - 心靈健康資訊分享

活動請來現職 NHS 駐 Warrington 心理輔導員分享心理健康資訊,讓大家加深對情緒嘅認識,幫助自己同身邊嘅人。

日期:23.3.2024 (星期六)
地點:The Salvation Army Church, Academy St, Warrington WA1 2BQ
語言:廣東話 / 香港語


《香港文化社x思家士多告別巡禮》— 曼城麻雀同樂日

「六嬸!三太公!大眾開檯喇 面似蓮蓉!」





如有興趣報名參加是次活動,請填妥以下Google Form:https://forms.gle/LEkQgYvryPvP1UCW6

成功報名者將獲文化社專員WhatsApp 通知及跟進。名額有限,報名從速。

地點:Asgard Groceries 思家士多(WA14 1BD)
參加費:£18.8 (包£10等值飲品/小食及三點三贊助嘅奶茶)

與Salford市長候選人對談 - 香港人居民大會

選舉將至,好好運用手中難得的一票 🗳
香港文化社將聯同Salford Hongkongers CIC舉辦香港人居民大會,讓大家與Salford市長候選人面對面溝通,為香港人發聲,並搵出心水候選人! 🗣💬

綠黨候選人Mr David Jones,以及現任Salford市長、工黨候選人Mr Paul Dennett已答允出席!正等候其餘候選人回覆。

活動詳情 -
📅 日期:2024年4月19日(星期五)
🕕 時間:下午6:30開始(或根據候選人需要稍作調整,會透過電郵通知參加者)
🏛 地點:Eccles Town Hall, Church Street, Eccles M30 0LH


📢 最新消息!📢

再有兩位代表確認出席《與Salford市長候選人對談 - 香港人居民大會》,即所有Salford市長候選人均有代表出席!

🌟 TUSC 候選人Sally Griffiths
🌟 現任Salford市議會反對黨及保守黨領袖、Worsley區議員:Robin Garrido 先生(代表保守黨市長候選人 Jillian Collinson)


🗓️ 日期:2024年4月19日(星期五)
🕕 時間:下午6:30開始
🏛️ 地點:Eccles Town Hall, Church Street, M30 0LH
🔗 報名連結:https://forms.gle/SDFnWVyKB9mqBzzy5
🪧🌏🧭 香港方位指示牌竣工!

香港文化社星期六喺我地義工隊打理嘅 Parsonage Garden,樹立左指向香港、曼城地標嘅路牌,為我地引路💡

🎉 曼城義工隊剛好踏入 3 週年,多謝義工默默耕耘,堅持付出時間同心力,令我地行到呢步,喺曼城留下足跡 👣


(歡迎黎打下卡~ 📸 )

🪧🌏🧭 Signpost to Home

At Parsonage Garden tended by our volunteer team, we've erected a signpost pointing towards landmarks in Manchester and Hong Kong, guiding our way💡

🎉 As our volunteer team celebrates its 3rd anniversary, a big thank you to all volunteers for their dedicated efforts and commitment, shaping our journey and leaving a mark in Manchester. 👣

May this project inspire us all to continue advancing towards our goals! 🚀

Follow us on:

Hong Kong Cultural Community 香港文化社

| Website: hkcc.org.uk
| Linktree: https://linktr.ee/hkculturalcommunity
| Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hk_cultural_community/
| Telegram: https://www.tg-me.com/hkculturalcommunity
| Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Cultural-Community-105855328564766/
2024/04/28 11:50:12
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